L_Gewessler_BEZA am Modell

Federal Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation and Technology, Leonore Gewessler, together with State Councillor Daniel Zadra and Feldkirch City Councillor Clemens Rauch, visited Bachmann electronic GmbH last week. After a short exchange at a showcase representing Bachmann's activities in the field of renewable energies and energy management, the delegation moved to the conference room for a more in-depth discussion. Bernhard Zangerl, CEO of Bachmann electronic GmbH, gave an insight into the company's DNA and its development, with particular emphasis on its entry into the world of renewable energy.

Renewable Energy – Alternatives for the future

Ms Gewessler asked about the current dynamics of the expansion of renewable energies in different global markets such as China and the USA, as well as the reality in Austria. Bernhard Zangerl reported on the sometimes unclear developments in the Far East and activities in the US. The markets there are much more dynamic than in Europe, which does not always have a positive effect on Bachmann and the European SME sector.

Although Austria does not play a very significant role in Bachmann's business volume, its role is all the more important in the development of cross-border energy solutions for Europe, such as in the field of energy storage through pumped storage. When it comes to power generation, our neighbour Germany is more important. However, Germany is still tied up in lengthy approval procedures, which is intentionally or unintentionally slowing down the momentum needed to achieve the set climate targets, as Zangerl explains.


Current industry challenges

Daniel Pfeifer, technical director at Bachmann, addressed the issue of skills shortages. It would be beneficial if industry were encouraged and involved in the training of skilled workers through government support. At present, there are no incentives for knowledge carriers within companies to get involved in the training and further education of skilled workers. State Councillor Zadra referred to an ongoing initiative by the regional government to support this endeavour.

The discussion was followed by a tour of the plant, which highlighted Bachmann's high level of vertical integration throughout the production chain.

Particular attention was paid to the testing and quality assurance area, including the 100% testing procedure. This clearly demonstrates why Bachmann products are so reliable and durable.

L_Gewessler_BEZA am Modell

We would like to thank Federal Minister Leonore Gewessler, State Councillor Daniel Zadra and Feldkirch City Councillor Clemens Rauch for their visit and the open and constructive exchange of views on current and future challenges, as well as their interest in the medium-sized industrial sector in Vorarlberg.