Bild Konferenz

Flensburg, 23 June 2023 – this year, the 44th Information Conference on Ship Operations (ISF Conference) proved to be a complete success for Bachmann. The event attracted 140 high-profile participants; it was an outstanding platform for exchanging experience and knowledge in the field of ship operations technology.

The ISF Conference focused on the current status of carbon pricing and on information concerning the Carbon Intensity Index (CII), which ensured insight into the latest developments in this area. Presentations and discussions covered the entire spectrum of ship operations technology and offered practical insights into the advantages of the DNV trim tools as well as torsion vibration monitoring of ship propulsion systems.

Particular attention was devoted to experiences associated with Port State Controls; valuable recommendations for action were provided to the industry. In addition, participants were informed of service experiences with methanol and dual-fuel engines, for a full spectrum of topics.

However, the clear highlight was the social gathering on board Germany's last coal-fired passenger steamship the evening before the conference. The maritime atmosphere was really the ideal setting for participants to get together and actively engage. The informal discussions provided ample opportunity to make new contacts and strengthen existing relationships.

For Bachmann, participation at the ISF Conference is a significant priority; it is an excellent venue for presenting the company's core competencies in the maritime sector. Close collaboration with the Maritime Center at Flensburg University of Applied Sciences underscores Bachmann Electronic's commitment to promoting knowledge and innovation. As a supporter of students the company operates its own Training Center for Automation and Simulation on the university campus.

We are now already looking forward to next year's conference and we are also looking forward to making an active contribution in the areas of ship operations research and ship operations technology.