atvise Release 3.9

In recent months, Bachmann has released two new versions of "atvise® scada": With atvise® v3.9 and v3.9.2 the automation specialist has further extended the functionality of its SCADA software. 

One of the new features involves the translations of control elements and commands; atvise® now generates automatic recommendations, including including a preview function. External language databases can also be used in this regard.

Other new features relate to the Code Editor, which now offers three new functionalities and an enhanced layout. The syntax check has been further extended, support of more modern ECMAScript versions has been integrated, and the possibility of code folding has been provided; now it is possible to group contiguous source text sections.

Starting with version 3.9 atvise® scada supports container-virtualized environments. This means that resource-friendly work and isolated editing of processes running in parallel are possible, and this reduces system costs.

Cybersecurity has again been increased. Specifically, configuration possibilities for login handling and password handling, as well as the password policy have been extended, for example, relative to complexity, procedure or lock. With this release administrators also benefit from convenient user management. Likewise, the functionality of the SMTP client has been extended in atvise®: Now files can also be attached to emails, enabling extensive data packets, interpreted supplemental information, and additional data can be sent directly. This supports an automated information flow and establishes the basis for data transparency.

In atvise® version 3.9.2 a reporting tool has been added. This tool can generate reports in the background and send them automatically. To do this, the template is created as a worksheet in Microsoft Excel. Design, as well as headers and footers can be created as desired or in line with a design specification, and tables, graphics or diagrams can be added as needed.

The current releases of atvise® are available as downloads to all users.

With atvise® v3.9 Bachmann software now automatically generates recommendations for translation of visualization elements.

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The Code Editor of atvise® v3.9 has an enhanced syntax check. In addition, support of more modern ECMAScript versions has been integrated and the possibility for code folding has been provided.

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