Bachmann Headquarter Feldkirch

This year it was not quite enough for a place on the winners' podium, but Bachmann is still one of the most successful companies in Vorarlberg: In the 25th edition of the "Austria's Leading Companies" (ALC) competition, we achieved a very good 5th place.

In the ALC competition, only the company's performance over the last three financial years is taken into account. Ten different key performance indicators are analysed separately over a three-year period and weighted in the evaluation system. Return on sales and return on equity, as well as their growth, are decisive.

This year the evaluation categories have been redefined, which seems to have worked to our disadvantage. Whereas last year we competed in the "international companies" category, this year we had to compete in the newly created "large companies" category, where internationality no longer plays a role. - The fact that we were able to place among the top companies in Vorarlberg in the larger pool of competitors is a great success.

First place in our category went to Zumtobel Group AG from Dornbirn.
