WebLog is Bachmann‘s one-stop, Condition Monitoring software suite. Designed to provide users with the latest predictive maintenance tools and techniques, it also guarantees complete, secure data access.

Composed of WebLog Expert®, WebLog Portal, WebLog Server and WebLog Interface the four component modules work in unison to:

  • Configure, acquire and process monitoring data from Condition Monitoring Systems installed on turbines and machines
  • Translate this data into usable information • Identify early stage fault indications
  • Predict failures before they occur
  • Generate alarms and trigger maintenance actions where required
  • Compile and increase knowledge based on the correlation of data anomalies with real events

WebLog Suite

Use cases and Product overview

Software SolutionDescription
WebLog Expert®WebLog Expert® is Bachmann’s client based software tool, which allows detailed analysis of vibration data and gives access to configuration of the system parameters for Bachmann hardware
WebLog PortalWebLog Portal is a web-based user interface
WebLog ServerBachmann’s Condition Monitoring Data Analysis tools, WebLog Portal and WebLog Expert®, both use access the same WebLog Server and database
WebLog InterfaceWebLog Interface is an interface application to allow the post processing of data into a common Bachmann format, so that data from various types of CMS can be visualised through the same software solution
WebLog Import for Daten from SKF WebLog Import for SKF CMS data enables the automated integration of measurement data from existing SKF Condition Monitoring systems with a Bachmann WebLog Server, to allow a uniform approach to vibration monitoring
WebLog Import for Prüftechnik 
Vibroweb XP CMS Daten
WebLog Import for Prüftechnik CMS data enables the automated integration of measurement data from existing Prüftechnik Vibroweb XP Condition Monitoring systems with a Bachmann WebLog Server, to allow a uniform approach to vibration monitoring
WebLog API
Application Programming Interface
Interface to access data, information and results stored in Weblog